Trip to Germany 2008 08
A short trip to Neubrandenburg and the Baltic Sea in Aug. 2008
We are in Nienhagen
The first vie to the Sea
My Nephew, his Girlfriend and my Sister
In Warnemünde
The promenade near the Sea
It was enought wind for kites
The Lighthouse with renovated Restaurant
In another Restaurant
Sisters of the friendgirl of my Nephew
and noodls
and sweets
On the bank
I try it too
And big ships
A jellyfish - I wasn't bathing, many of them was in the Sea
A very small tsunami
He like to swim in the waves
they too
but it was cloudy
Sailing braek
Wow, it became dark
and darker....
Back in my Hometown, Neubrandenburg and we start a a tour to another castle - "MARIHN"
With Roses here will be a part of the next BUGA
Next day in Kratzeburg
With small performance in Fisherhouses
The Towerhill without Tower
May he is a relative from us?
A cup of coffee
The last coffee in Germany for this time
back to Vilnius
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